Monday, April 16, 2012

How To Build Your Online Presence – Women Love To Connect!

With the help of  social media more women entrepreneurs are emerging than ever before, building new online businesses and growing existing ones.   As a female entrepreneur, you can network and market yourself online, women love to connect!
You can connect with other entrepreneurs, set up individual meetings on Skype, do conference calls online, and you can create opportunities for your audience to meet you in person if you wish. Working online creates an environment where you connect with your audience at anytime, anyplace.
How exactly do you do this, using the tools that the internet provides? Here are some quick tips and tricks:
1. Position Yourself & Engage Socially
Create a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a Youtube channel or LinkedIn,  and begin adding at least twenty-five ideal clients or women who are influential in your field of expertise.  Let them know you’re there, and watch the numbers build.
2. Connect
Once you have a following, or are attracting clients, continue to connect with them. Respond to the comments or questions they leave on your page, keep them updated about changes, and if appropriate, set up ways for them to speak with you directly if they need to.
3. Engage
Depending on your business, you may want to offer certain services like conference calls online, or in person conferences. This is an opportunity for you to engage with a smaller audience on a more intimate level, and allows them to get to know you and your business better. Let your audience know if these things are available and what they will get from the experience.
4. Grow
Use the tools at your disposal to create relationships with others. Find other women who are leaders in their industry and make time to let them know who you are. Consider creating business partnerships or joint ventures to expand your business. Make an appointment each week or each month to speak with someone who inspires you, who can help you grow. Remember that you can always learn from others.
5. Keep Believing in Your Dream
There are always going to be naysayers in your life, people who believe that they know what you are capable of and what your limits are. Be humble, acknowledge others and their opinions, nod, smile, and then keep doing your thing. Others may be smart, but listen to yourself first and foremost.
With the internet, women entrepreneurs are learning how to make their dreams a reality on their own terms.  Women love to connect and social media creates a powerful networking arena for you to build your online presence.

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